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From a 'Joke' to a Job

I was a 17-year-old teen mother when I first met the HUBsters. At first I really thought it was a joke.

“These people can’t really help me get a job,” until they helped me get one at Valentino’s. Then I was extremely surprised. I really didn’t socialize with them until they started the H2O program. It was a very interesting program. We talked about how to help our communities, families, etc.

They started talking about doing a community service project and they asked for help from the students. So I brought up the food bank, and everyone liked it so I organized it. We collected food and sorted a thousand pounds of food. Then they took some student parents to talk with the Mayor, and that was a blast. I got to ask him if there would ever be a program like WIC, but for diapers. He answered, “send me an e-mail, I didn’t realize this was an issue.” I have had a lot of good opportunities working with the HUB. I loved doing all the projects with them. They are outstanding people to work with- they actually care about others.


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